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About us

Our educational trips to Israel will help bring context to Biblical principles for travelers and enrich their personal and spiritual lives.  These trips are impactful experiences that foster a common group for communication and appreciation of each other's faith.  Jewish culture is rich and vibrant and perhaps the biggest way to immerse oneself in it is to go to Israel and experience the country and its people.  Going to visit the land of ancient Hebrews and seeing the homeland of many Biblical events and personalities is a life-changing experience for all pilgrims, Christian or otherwise.  The tour is often eye-opening for people who have not always thought about the realities and the importance of a Jewish homeland.  Our tours are perhaps the most compelling and immersive aspect of our educational offerings.                                                           

The trips to Israel make the Biblical narrative come alive.  Participants can connect relationally to the land and its people, igniting a deeper understanding of each other's needs and concerns.  On these tours, we see sights related to Jesus, King David, the Apostle Paul and many others.  We tour amazing places with historical and Biblical significant all around the Sea of Galilee, in the Southern Desert, and throughout the City of Jerusalem.  As people experience the land, with its beauty and ancient sites, it is very hard not to connect emotionally with Israel and the needs of its people.  For the Christian Community especially it can be extremely impactful to see where the events in the Bible took place.  It truly makes the Biblical narrative come alive for many who visit.  From an educational perspective, this is as immersive as it gets and these trips are ripe for creating lasting relationships, awareness, and understanding between Christian Community and Israel.  Participating in the educational classes and dinner is eye-opening, yet there is nothing like experiencing Israel first hand.  Participants experience the sounds, the smells, the taste of middle eastern food, and experience the hospitality that is renowned worldwide.  They can connect to the sites of biblical personalities and see the archeological evidence, which can solidify and encourage the faith of all pilgrims. 

CLICK HERE  to learn more about our next trips.  Pick one that works for you and contact Aliyah Tours or click here to request a quote and create your own trip.  We are your single source to provide everything you need for an unforgettable "Aliyah" experience to Israel.  As a special bonus, we also provide both pre-trip education and post-trip education that complements all learning styles.